Russell Investment Center
Business Offices
Excerpt from feature article in ProAV:
Visitors who enter the lobby areas are greeted by 50-foot-wide dynamic videowalls that use physical walls as their projection surfaces. Content includes world commodity and currency prices, stock market updates, news headlines, and moving graphics. Creative agency Downstream, of Portland, Ore., created the content and provides remote updates to each of the floors’ Dell XPS 9100 computers, which act as content servers. Each Dell computer is networked with the display systems on the other floors so that the content is synchronized perfectly. “If you could somehow be in the lobby on each floor at the same time, you would see the same content at the same time on all floors,” Cann says.
To achieve the right effect, Dimensional Communications installed six BenQ MP776 ST DLP multimedia projectors side by side in the ceiling, using Chief RPA projector mounts. (Due to space limitations, the 16th floor has only two projectors.)
“This portion of the install was difficult because the BenQ super-short-throw projectors are physically lined up with each other. We had to use physical adjustments because there’s no zoom for lens shift; only keystone correction,” Cann says. “The ceiling is an angled ceiling, diagonally across the lobby, so we had to push the projectors higher and higher into the ceiling in order to line them up.”
Each projector gets its content over an Extron MTP twisted-pair transmitter-receiver connection using an Extron P/2 DA2 Plus VGA distribution amplifier. The projected images are blended using TV One C2-2450A edge blenders, which enables content to move across all 50 feet of the projection space.